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Dienstag, 30. April 2024

Unsere 5. und 6. Klassen beim Staffeltag der Reinickendorfer Grundschulen


Montag, 29. April 2024

Besuch aus Frankreich am Humboldt-Gymnasium

Frankreich Ausstausch



Hatzfeldtallee 2-4 [Karte]
13509 Berlin

Tel.: 030 433 70 08

IServ-Support: admins@humboldtschule-berlin.eu

Termine zur Schulorganisation (Klausuren, Prüfungen, ...)

aktuelles Schuljahr

1. Halbjahr, 2. Halbjahr

Vorschau nächstes Schuljahr

1. Halbjahr, 2. Halbjahr

IServ Humboldt-Gymn.

Vertretungsplan - Digitales Schwarzes Brett (DSB)


Schulferien in Berlin

Öffnungszeiten der Bibliothek
9:15 Uhr bis 9:30 Uhr
10:30 Uhr bis 10:45 Uhr
12:00 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr

“The Hunger Games – Catching Fire” by Suzanne Collins

The Rebellion Sparks –

The dystopian young adults novel “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire”, which now also is a major motion picture, is the second part of “The Hunger Games” trilogy which was written by Suzanne Collins.

It was released in 2009 and continues the story of Katniss Everdeen, who won the 74th Hunger Games together with her fake boyfriend Peeta Mellark in the previous novel. Since normally only one tribute can win the games and Katniss forced the capitol, which is the government of Panem, to let both of them live, many people suddenly see a chance to finally defend themselves against the capitol. The rebellion starts…

The novel is written from the perspective of the protagonist Katniss and is written in quite understandable English, although you have to have a good vocabulary in order to have fun reading it.

Given that the novel mainly focuses on the power of repressive governments over individuals, its message probably is that individuals should fight for their freedom and shouldn’t stop unless they’ve prevailed.

I can definitely recommend this book to everyone who enjoyed the prequel and likes science fiction/adventure novels that feature social criticism.

Paul (14)

“Divergent” by Veronica Roth

Dauntless? Divergent? Captivating!

Divergent is a New York Times bestseller written by Veronica Roth and first published in 2011. It's a young adult novel and it received great feedback from people like the author of "The Maze Runner" James Dashner who called the book: "Captivating and fascinating."

The story takes place in the future of Chicago after a huge war has just finished. After this the government decides to separate the citizens of Chicago into five factions, according to their character traits and to assign a particular job to them. But the protagonist and Abnegation member Beatrice Prior just can't seem to find her place in this system. When she takes a test that is supposed to tell her into which faction she belongs, the results are unclear and she is told that she's Divergent. People like her are hunted by the government because they're said to be dangerous which is why she has to keep the test results a top secret. But for how long can she keep the secret? Which faction will she choose at the choosing ceremony? And what are the Erudite plotting?

All these questions will certainly keep the reader in constant suspense throughout the novel and will make reading it so much easier and so much more. Also the language is quite understandable and in case you miss a word, you can look it up in the dictionary really quickly.

The book has a pretty amazing message, too: Don't let anyone put you into a faction because people aren't defined by just one thing. You are Divergent.

I strongly recommend the book to readers between 12 and 20 since it contains action as well as romance.

Talia (14)

“Book Slam 2014” – ein Englisches Leseprojekt in Kooperation mit der Humboldt Bibliothek und der Tegeler Bücherstube

Das Konzept ist einfach: Wir, die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse 10g, haben uns zu Beginn des Schuljahres einen englischsprachigen Roman ausgesucht, diesen eigenständig gelesen und unseren Mitschülern in einem sog. Book Slam vorgestellt. Später haben wir eine Kritik zu unserem Roman verfasst und mehrmals überarbeitet.

Wir danken unseren Kooperationspartnern sehr herzlich für diese Lerngelegenheit, die wir sehr gerne fortsetzen wollen. Vielleicht regen Bestseller Liste und Kritiken zum Lesen an?

  1. Roth, Veronica: Divergent
  2. Collins, Suzanne: Catching Fire
  3. Carte, Ally: I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You
  4. Levithan, David: Every Day
  5. Green, John: Looking for Alaska
  6. Rowling, J.K.: Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
  7. Collins, Suzanne: The Hunger Games
  8. Riordan, Rick: Percy Jackson
  9. Dashner, James: The Maze Runner
  10. Lowry, Lois: The Giver


  11. Rhue, Morton: Ghetto Kidz
  12. Green, John: The Fault in our Stars
  13. Bradley, Alan: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
  14. Rhue, Morton: Boot Camp
  15. Angleberger, Tom: The Strange Case of Origami Yoda
  16. Landy, Derek: Skulduggery Pleasant
  17. Shepard, Sara: Pretty Little Liars
  18. Jeff Kinney: Diary of a Wimpy Kid